PRAY FOR THEM “Gaza will never surrender”


Seventy five years ago the United States of America detonated the first nuclear weapon over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The date 6th of August 1945 should remain a never forget date in the history of mankind. The first use of nuclear weapon and the second three days later killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people most of whom were defenceless civilians. The two bombings remain the only uses of nuclear weapons in armed conflict and seventy five years later Israel decided on the 6th august 2020 to bomb Gaza on a daily basis as fire balloons continue to target Israeli agricultural fields and illegal Israeli-only Jews-settlements. Hamas retaliated with rockets. Despite international mediation efforts 21 days of flare up showed no sign of abating.

The firebombs (see Sunday Times 16th August 2020) are in fact artisanal devices fitted to all types of big balloons, kites, plastic bags, bin bags and even condoms have triggered more than 400 blazes in Southern Israel. According to the figures released by the Fire Brigade. The figures released by the State of Israel are a gross estimation in order to justify their usual out of proportion attacks on the Palestinians.

Why do the youngsters have recourse to incendiary balloons? Because they are fed up with the Israeli blockade which has been going on since 2007. We must not forget that Israel and Egypt (yes… Egypt also is part of the conspiracy) imposed a blockade on Gaza after Hamas democratically seized power from rival Palestinian forces in 2007. The avowed objective is to stop Hamas from expanding its influence (but for the Israelis the word which was hammered into the heads of the global population was “arsenal” meaning arms coming through proxies from Iran) but we must not also forget that in reality it was a collective punishment.

The consequences of the blockade are innumerable but it is apposite to name a few:

  1. Total collapse of the Economy.
  2. More than half of the population is unemployed & those who are employed are paid “Peanuts”
  3. The health system is failing and can’t cope with covid-19 nor will it be able to cope with any major problems. Be it war or others…
  4. The Education system is not functioning…

Israel is tightening the blockade. Is it because of the kites & balloons with incendiary devices? NO. In that context it is interesting to read chapter four “The Alon Vision” from the book “The biggest prison on earth”, a history of the occupied territories by Ilan Pappe. The aim is for a greater Israel. The Israelis will create “hell” in Gaza and “West Bank” so that the Palestinians will run away thus reversing the demographic balance. It is a subtle strategy instead of the ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians which they have been since the inception of Israel.

Israel has also tightened their grip on Gaza by:

  1. Banning the Palestinian Fisher men from going to sea in the waters belonging to the Palestinians;
  2. Closing its goods from entering Gaza;
  3. Stopping fuel from entering into Gaza thus TRIGGERING THE CLOSURE OF GAZA’S SOLE POWER PLANT FOR WANT OF FUEL.

In May 2020 more than 250 global artists & writers appealed to Israel to stop the blockade of Gaza saying the Coronavirus could have a devastating effect in “the world’s largest open-air prison”.

The artists & writers who appealed to Israel among others are:

Peter Gabriel, Director Ken Loach, Actor Vigo Mortensen, Poet Taha Adnan, Canadian writer Naomi Klein, British Group Massive Attack ( the musical group was formed in 1988 in Bristol consisting of Robert “3D” Delnaja , Grant “Daddy G” Marshall and formerly Andy “Mushroom” Vowless with Shara Nelson, Horace Andy and Adrian “tricky” Thaws as their guest vocalists)

The artists & writers said that they back Amnesty International’s call on all world governments to impose a military embargo on Israel until it fully complies with its obligations under International law…

Yes a military embargo…

But for other countries European countries & others will act upon but not against Israel.