[DOCUMENT]: Visite du CM Yogi Aaditynath à Maurice : Shakeel Mohamed tire la sonnette d’alarme

« I would like to convey to you the strong objection of a huge number of Mauritian Citizens at your decision to allow Chief Minister Mr. Yogi Aaditynath to visit Mauritius as from the 1st November 2017”. C’est ce qu’a écrit le député du PTr, Shakeel Mohamed, dans une lettre adressée au Premier ministre, Pravind Jugnauth, cet après-midi. Shakeel Mohamed énumère une liste de tensions communales causées par le fondateur du Hindu Yuva Vahini.

« Mauritius is a peace-loving nation where people form diverse ethnic and religious creed co-exist in peace and harmony. Our republic should not allow such an individual together with his followers to come and disturb our way of life. On behalf of all peace loving Mauritian citizens, I strongly urge you that you deny entry to Mauritius to such an indivual”, poursuit le depute du no 3.