Billet : The air is full of speeches … and vice-versa

L’Alliance Morisien (MSM-ML) a donné le coup d’envoi de la campagne mercredi à Sainte-Croix dans la circonscription No.4 (Port-Louis Nord/Montagne Longue). Dans son discours, Pravind Jugnauth a dit qu’il va créer 10,000 emplois. Belles paroles, mais doit-on lui prendre au sérieux ? Quand on sait que le 27 juillet 2015, Showkutally Soodhun, alors vice-premier ministre et ministre du logement, prenant la parole lors d’un rassemblement à Goodlands, avait déclaré que « Dans un an, il y aura deux emplois pour chaque Mauricien. »

Mais ce n’est pas tout. Un mois après, le samedi 22 août 2015, Sir Anerood Jugnauth, alors Premier ministre, gardant la chaise du PM au chaud en attendant que son fils se dédouane dans l’affaire MedPoint, a poussé le bouchon plus loin, en annonçant la création de 100,000 emplois en 5 ans, dont, tenez-vous bien, 25,000 dans le fameux Ocean Economy… Il a aussi promis une croissance de 5,5% annuellement… Voici un extrait de son discours :

“As Prime Minister, I am not here to make promises. I am here to say to the Nation that the second economic miracle is well within our reach” ….. “Manufacturing today accounts for about 18% of our economy and we aim to increase its share significantly to 25% within the next three years”

“There are, right now, some 40 major private sector investment projects to the tune of 183 billion rupees, of which foreign direct investments represent 140 billion rupees. These projects will require our full attention in order to accelerate their implementation. They have the potential of creating 100,000 new direct and indirect jobs within the coming five years. The distribution of these 100,000 new jobs is as follows: Financial services: 15,000 Information and Communication Technology: 15,000 17 Ocean Economy: 25,000 Health, Wellness and Biotechnology Sectors: 2,000 Education and Knowledge Sector: 3,000 Tourism: 8,000 Manufacturing: 5,000 Construction and Property Development: 15,000 Logistics: 3,000 SME: 9,000

“For the past nine years, Mauritius had registered an average economic growth rate of 3 % annually. Within our vision, we are targeting an average growth rate of 5.5 per cent annually as from 2017. Our objective is to attain a GDP per capita of far more than 13,500 US dollars by the Year 2018.”

The rest is history, comme dirait l’anglais!


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